KoKo NYC Workshop Offerings

KoKo NYC Teaching Artists facilitate after school workshops in schools across New York City and at community events. Our workshop offerings include:
Toy Making (Grades K – 2)
Kids are naturally curious and creative. Toy Making taps into that intuitive imagination to help little ones give form to their ideas. In this introduction to Destroy + Construct, kids begin to experiment with looking at how things work by repurposing toys and pieces of toys to create new ones. Toy Making also lends itself to telling stories and creating environments or context for what the kids create. Based on a theme introduced by the KoKo Teaching Artist, kids use recyclables to create a “home” or imaginary land for their inventions. This workshop is ever-evolving and based on the ideas and interests of the kids.
Destroy + Construct (Grades 3 – 8)
This workshop is for every child who has ever wondered how “things” work. In this unconventional class, kids learn to use hand tools like screwdrivers and pliers to deconstruct discarded electronics such as printers, blenders, and old hair dryers. Kids carefully collect the treasures from within (screws, motors, and fans to name a few) and use those materials to invent something completely new. Through this process, kids learn the basics of circuitry and are challenged to think like inventors.
Inventor’s Lab (Grades K – 2)
Take a trip back in time to explore a world without technology. How did life work without the simple machines we take for granted like the wheel-and-axel and the screw? In Inventor’s Lab, kids learn the history and mechanics of six simple machines (inclined plane, wedge, lever, wheel-and-axle, screw, and pulley). Through tinkering and material exploration, kids learn the creative and real-life application of simple machines, opening up endless opportunities for inventive thinking and building. Past kids have constructed catapults, cranes, wheeled vehicles, and more!
Extraordinary Machines (Grades 3 – 8)
Based on knowledge of the six simple machines, students take their tinkering and experimentation to the next level, combining simple machines to build more complex projects. Kids are presented with challenges and then work together to design inventions to solve real-life problems. For example, they may combine pulleys, levers, and cranks to construct a crane that moves heavy materials with ease.
Bit Bots (Grades K – 5)
Bit Bots is a world where kids get to bring their ideas to life by combining creative building with simple electronics. In each workshop, the KoKo NYC Teaching Artist brings in a new theme or challenge to spark imagination and inventive thought. Then, using primarily recycled materials (plastic bottles, cardboard, old buttons, etc), kids spend the workshop building their ideas to create off-the-wall sculptures and inventions. Simple electronic components such as LED lights and hobby motors are introduced to help kids bring their creations to life.
Bit Bots in Space (Grades K – 5)
Has your kid ever wondered what’s out there in the universe? Outer space offers a great foundation for inventive building and creative thought. In Bit Bot in Space, kids become explorers, creating inventions like alien language translators and high-tech spacecraft to explore beyond our solar system. In each workshop, the KoKo NYC Teaching Artist brings in a new piece of current or historical space news to invite discussion and ideas. Then kids use a combination of recyclables and simple electronic components to create their own out-of-this-world inventions. By way of material exploration, kids learn environmental responsibility and the basics of circuitry.

Wearable Machines (Grades 3 – 8)
In this workshop kids will get creative cutting apart used clothes and fabrics to design new and improved inventions. A variety of construction methods are used in this creative reuse workshop including gluing, taping, and sewing. KoKo NYC Teaching Artists introduce a “theme of the day” and the kids use recycled materials and textiles to build sculptural objects based on their creative interpretation of the theme.
Books + Building (Grades K – 2)
In this workshop, kids are inspired to make their own inventions based on stories from their favorite (and newly introduced) books. In each workshop, KoKo NYC Teaching Artists will bring in an age-appropriate book to read with the group. Then, the Teaching Artist will pose a question to the kids about a theme from the book. Kids will use recyclable materials to build an invention to further explore these ideas.
Filmmaking (Grades 3 – 8)
In this workshop, kids engage in the scriptwriting, acting, directing and editing of films. Kids learn about the history of the moving image and use this as foundation and inspiration for their own script and storytelling ideas. Working together in teams or as a whole class, kids will work on scenes and movie shorts, exploring their ideas through the lens of video production. KoKo NYC’s philosophy that trash is treasure is woven throughout the class as students use recyclables to build props and costumes.
Podcasting (Grades 3 – 8)
In this workshop, kids discover the fundamentals of audio production. Using simple software, kids have an opportunity to create narrative-based and musical audio pieces. They learn about storytelling and interview techniques and create profiles of their fellow classmates. They also capture “wild sounds”, which are the sounds of New York City that surround us every day but we never truly hear. Using these tools as well as the technical aspects of the recording and editing processes, kids use their voices to bring their own stories and adventures to life.
Additional workshops are offered during our School Break, After School, and Summer Workshops at the KoKo Lot.