
Children’s Game
Worldwide, 1999-Present; variable lengths.
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Trying to Live A Day Without Plastic
It’s all around us, despite its adverse effects on the planet. In a 24-hour experiment, one journalist tried to go plastic free.
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The Mind-Expanding Value of Arts Education
As funding for arts education declines worldwide, experts ponder what students — and the world at large — are losing in the process.
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Plastic Recycling is a Dumpster Fire
According to a recent report from Greenpeace, U.S. households generate 51 millions of plastic waste each year, but the amount of that actually getting recycled is 2.4 million tons. That’s not necessarily because people aren’t doing their part to recycle, but because the vast majority of plastics literally cannot be recycled.
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The Art of Reusing Plastic
The artists Beverly Barkat and Germane Barnes play with discarded plastic — including bottles, cups and printer cartridges — to explore the possibilities of reinventing waste.
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Penguins in Your Fridge? These 7-Year-Olds Have Climate Solutions
New Jersey is the first state to require that climate change be taught at all grade levels. The focus is on problem solving, not doom and gloom.
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How Plastics Are Poisoning Us
They both release and attract toxic chemicals, and appear everywhere from human placentas to chasms thirty-six thousand feet beneath the sea. Will we ever be rid of them?
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Big Tech Algorithms Are Killing Kids’ Sense of Discovery
Algorithmic recommendations aren’t just bad for kids’ mental health, they’re taking away the journey of discovery that comes with being human.
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Let Kids Get Bored. It’s Good for Them.
A reminder to parents soldiering through the summer: Boredom has its virtues.
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This Simple Fix Could Help Anxious Kids
Over protection may be making kids scared of the world. If so, then wouldn’t the obvious solution be more independence?
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Want to Thrive? First, Learn to Fail
Mistakes are inevitable, but we should embrace them, experts say.
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New York’s Biggest Landfill Could Get Even Bigger
Seneca Meadows is as tall as Lady Liberty. There are plans to make it taller.
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Heat and Hurricanes: What Keeps the N.Y.C. Climate Chief Up at Night
“We are in a climate change emergency,” said Rohit T. Aggarwala. “And two things are unhelpful in an emergency: Panic and despair.”
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To Prepare Kids for the Future, Bring Back Shop and Home Ec
“Students learn from physical as well as mental work. Plus, they need a break.”
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